HURUTA AND SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENT AND CHARITY ASSOCIATION(Huruta Boru) is a local organization that strives to empower communities in and around Huruta. Recently registered with Registry Number 5837 on September 21, 2021, the association’s main objectives include equipping schools with adequate library and laboratory equipment, providing educational support to financially constrained children, facilitating scholarship opportunities to outstanding students, identifying sections of society in need of basic humanitarian assistance, providing sustainable medical support to the elderly and those with mental illness, and constructing homes and providing necessary facilities and personnel for the elderly and mentally disabled. Located in the town of Huruta, which has a population of approximately 45,000 and is surrounded by 22 rural peasant associations, the YEHURUTA AND SURROUNDING DEVELOPMENT AND CHARITY ASSOCIATION is committed to creating a brighter future for the local community through its impactful initiatives.

I am glad to see this keep it up Biriye!
I am glad for Huruta to see on website thank you Biriye keep it up!